Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My Decision to Start a Law Firm

After much debate, I finally decided to open up my own law practice.  I debated going solo for almost a year and then I decided what the heck, I’m going to start a law firm.  This definitely wasn’t in my five year plan, however, right now I feel confident and brave enough to hang my own shingle and jump into the solo waters.
I’m starting this blog for the obvious reasons (traffic to my webpage, of course) and also because I think it will be helpful and pretty therapeutic to be able to rant, vent and share all the good things I learn during my solo journey.  I’ve found quite a few solo blogs pretty helpful and my goal is to spread all the knowledge I come across.
I will be honest and admit I am scared and more than one disaster has gone through my head, but above all I am excited.  I know from talking to other attorneys that starting a practice from the ground up is not an easy feat in the least.  And I realize I’ll probably be working nonstop for the next five years.  But none of that deters me.  On top of working hard, I really believe it takes the right attitude and mindset to succeed as a solo attorney.  My goal is always keep a positive outlook even when things don’t according to plan.  When things go south and you can feel that feeling of fear creeping, work HARDER.  Muscle and Hustle. That's what it will take plain and simple. 


  1. Best of luck. You're destined for prosperity.

  2. Best of luck! God bless.

  3. So proud of you hun! Best of luck!!!
